In these difficult times, managing your expenses and catering to your immediate cash needs has become difficult. One may think of going to a bank for a loan. It is a good option provided you have a good credit score and are in no hurry to get the money. The process of getting money from a bank comes with its own demerits. One has to sign a lot of paperwork and this may take weeks or months for approval. The chances of getting rejected because of bad credit history are high. A specialised car equity loan from Equity Loans Canada does not require a perfect credit score. People with bad credit scores in need of instant cash can apply for our auto equity loan with us. We will help you deal with the crisis and get you a bad credit score loan approval at the earliest. Don’t let your credit history bother you, just apply for a poor credit score loan and get the funds quickly. This loan is secured by using your vehicle’s title paper as collateral.
Based on the current market value and the working condition of your vehicle you can borrow up to $60,000. The final amount is calculated after the inspection of the vehicle.
No credit checks
Your bad credit history or job details are not our concerns. You get instant funds even on the same day of loan approval. There are no credit checks done by us. Your vehicle is your credit.
No Prepayment Penalty
Our loan is an open ended loan which means you can close it by making an early payment whenever you want. There will be no prepayment penalty charged on you for doing so.
Competitive Interest Rates
We ensure the lowest interest rates in the market. We provide our loans at competitive interest rates which benefits you.
Get Cash Fast
Equity Loans Canada helps you deal with your financial crisis by providing instant cash. Do not feel stressed over your need for quick cash requirements, we will certainly help you during your tough time.
Keep your vehicle with you
Drive off with your vehicle and keep using it during the loan period. There’s absolutely no need to store your vehicle with us.
Step One – Call us or Apply Online & Get Prequalified
Give us a quick call or apply online by following simple steps and get a preapproval. Once the online process is complete one of our loan agents will get in touch with you and brief you about the further steps in the process.
Step Two – Hassle Free Paperwork
You have to submit some basic documents. The process is short and doesn’t eat out much of your time. We need just the basic information about your vehicle like the year, make and model of the car, and the kilometers. We will then prepare the loan documents and inspect your car.
Step Three – Get the Money
Once the paperwork is done, get your funds immediately after you sign the agreement papers.
Step four – Keep your car during the loan
When you receive the funds you also get to keep your vehicle since we don’t store it with us. Yes, you read it right, continue to drive your car as before. Your vehicle is used as collateral for this loan but you still get to keep it during the loan term.
Apply with Equity Loans Canada to get a specialized car equity loan today! Contact us (toll-free) 1-844-567-7002 or apply online. Our experienced loan experts are ready to help and walk you throughout the entire loan process.