There are many situations where you may need instant cash to pay sudden expenses such as auto repair, home renovations, medical expenses, travelling expenses or even school or college tuition. These money challenges can lead to an imbalance in your financial health. If you’re financial situation is bad, your poor credit can make things much more difficult and complicated. Getting a loan from your bank or borrowing funds from friends, or family is not always ideal and convenient. Having poor credit can make it difficult for you to get approved for a loan and prove to have it’s challenges.
A Long Term Title Loan can Help In During Difficult Financial Times!
If you own a lien free car, you can get a long term title loan using your car as collateral. Equity Loans Canada is here to help by providing these types of loans using your car as collateral. These loans are also known as car title loans or car collateral loans. This is where your vehicle’s lien free title is used as collateral to get the money you require. The loan amount will be based on your vehicle’s condition and market value.
The Best Option For Short Term Cash Needs!
The reason why these long term loans are ideal for your short term financial needs is that there is no need to hand over your car to the lender. You simply use the title of your car as collateral to secure the loan. This is also the reason why these loans are also called secured loans. Easily get a loan regardless of your credit score. If you’re thinking about taking a loan to cover your emergency expenses and everyday costs, then a long term title loan is the best choice to do so.
Title loans can provide cash quickly—particularly to those with bad credit or no credit history at all. It is a quick way to help cover emergencies or other short-term expenses.
Quick and Easy Process to Get Approved!!
Basic requirements for getting a long term title loan:
There are Major Advantages in Getting a Long Term Loan!
Some of the benefits include:
Low Interest Rates
The interest rate has a big impact on the overall cost of a loan. Long terms title loans tend to have lower interest rates compared to other traditional loans. Equity Loans Canada offers just that, the lowest interest rates in the industry!
Got Bad Credit? No Problem!
Long term car title loans are perfect for those with bad credit! People with poor credit history can easily apply for these loans without any worries since we do not check credit nor does it play a factor in our loan process.
Very Little Paperwork!
The loan process is simple and free of any complexities that are associated with bank loans. The absence of lengthy and daunting paperwork makes the loan very convenient. There is absolutely no need to worry about complex paperwork especially during tough financial times.
Fast Processing Time!
The biggest benefit of getting a long term loan at Equity Loans Canada is that it enables the borrower to get the money they need quickly. This is because the process is straightforward and simple.
Keep your Car!
Keep your car and use your car throughout the entire duration of your title loan. This is what makes long term loans a great choice for busy people who need a loan fast.
Hurry up and don’t delay! Get a quote on your car and borrow up to $60,000 by calling us (toll free) 1-844-567-7002!!!