When you’re faced with a difficult financial situation and have nowhere to go since you don’t have a good credit score, a car title loan can be your savior. It is a well-known fact in Canada that a personal loan with bad credit is the fastest and most convenient way to get emergency funds.
That is why it is popular among people who live from paycheck to paycheck. The popularity is justified because of its reasonable terms that anyone can take advantage of. While most people know about this loan’s benefits, not many know about the loan process. Here is a detailed guide of the short and easy process of getting a car Title loan in Canada.
Once you’ve made up your mind about getting a personal loan with bad credit, go to our website www.equityloanscanada.com and fill up a short and easy application form. The form will ask for some details about yourself and some information about your car. Your name, email address and contact details are required. As for your car, the kilometers, car model and manufacturing year will be required. Once you’re done filling it up, just click submit and wait for our loan representative to contact you.
Once you get a call from our professional loan representative, he will fix an appointment with you to get your documents verified and your vehicle inspected. The following documents will be required from you for verification purposes only.
Once everything is verified and our representative has conducted the inspection, we will discuss with you the terms and conditions of the car title loan and let you know the amount you are eligible for the loan based on the value and condition of the car.
As a final step, we will approve your loan and hand over the money to you, or send it over using e-transfer upon the receipt of the title of your car and spare keys.
What makes this interesting is that the whole process takes less than 24 hours to complete. So, contact our toll free number at 1-844-567-7002 now to get your very own personal loan with bad credit with Equity Loans Canada.
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