Bad Credit Car Title Loans allow you to borrow money in exchange for the title of your vehicle. Our loan terms are longer than most companies and are up to 6 years. The amount you can borrow totally depends on the value of your vehicle. Car Title Loans are the most ideal when you’re in need of urgent cash and have limited loan options because of your bad credit score. Bad Credit Car Loans in Edmonton by Equity Loans Canada is here to help you in your time of need.
The work procedure of a car title loan is very easy. We use your vehicle’s title as collateral and provide you money according to the value of your vehicle. So the amount of money you can borrow is mainly based on the value and condition of your vehicle and not by us. The best thing about Car Title Loans is that it provides you with the money you need quickly.
If you live in Edmonton and are in need of instant cash then a Bad Credit Car Title Loan by Equity Loans Canada is the best option for you. We don’t make you wait and thus you can get the cash within the same day of applying. Our interest rates are very low providing you with security that you are not being taken advantage of. We only use the title of your vehicle of your vehicle, so you get to keep your vehicle. As soon as you pay back your loan you can walk away happily with your car title.
1. The fully paid vehicle with clear title.
2. Valid Canadian driver’s license.
3. Registration & insurance with Collision registered in your name.